The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching: An Effective Way to Learn a Language
Learning a new language can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Over the years, various language teaching methods have been developed to help learners acquire a new language. One of these methods is the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching, which was inspired by the Direct Method. The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching was developed by British and Australian linguists who believed that the best way to learn a language was through speaking and listening. However, they also believed that the material should be more structured, so they introduced the concept of “vocabulary control” and “grammar control”. These concepts allowed for the careful selection of frequently used vocabulary and a graded approach to grammar. This ensured that learners had a strong foundation of grammar and vocabulary that they could build on. In this approach, teachers would focus on the precise execution of oral language. Once the foundation of grammar and vocabulary was establi...