What is Learning?

Learning is not just limited to classrooms, as people continue to learn throughout their lives. Even before they start school, young children learn to walk, talk and interact with others. While in school, children learn not only academic subjects, but also social skills and behaviors. Even after finishing school, people must adapt to major changes in their lives such as getting a job, raising children and getting married. The study of learning is important in many fields such as education, psychology, social work and advertising, as learning influences almost everything we do.

Memory is closely related to learning, as it involves storing information in the brain and retrieving it when needed. Psychologists study memory to understand how the brain stores and retrieves knowledge. Psychologists who study learning are interested in how behavior changes as a result of experiences. There are many forms of learning, ranging from simple to complex, such as classical conditioning and operant conditioning. People can also learn by observing others perform behaviors. More complex forms of learning include learning languages, concepts and motor skills.


Learning is not just restricted to school but takes place throughout our lives, both inside and outside the classroom. It involves many forms, from simple to complex, and is closely related to memory. The study of learning is important in many fields, including education, psychology, and human services. Simple forms of learning include classical and operant conditioning, while more complex forms include learning languages, concepts, and motor skills.


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